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Weekly Report for Final Project

Week 5

We were asked to create a team consisting of three (Edbert, Lamin, and Jordy). Our first project idea was to create face recognition due to its sources available on the internet and a lot of examples.

Week 6

This week, we started to do researches on our project, which leads us to a lot of options, and at last, we changed our topic to object recognition.

Week 7

This week is where we started to implement some of the examples of sources that includes us implementing libraries and frameworks such as OpenCV and stuff, while we continue discussing more options of our project on our Teaching Assistant’s session.

Week 8

This week, we talked about the essential things we need to install on our personal computer and it took us a whole week to install all the things we need, as we have 2 operating systems working which are Windows and Linux, we need to figure out how to install those in separate personal computer

Week 9

We started to discuss and split the work as it could be a lot more efficient due to our operating system’s support and better time management, though this week I personally have not started implementing essential stuff for my project

Week 10

This week, we started to be able to classify objects using Yolo Annotation Tool which is one of the main things I am focusing on, then implementing the codes, and started to learn about training our model. We are using a YoloV3 as a reference to use pre-trained data so that we could train our own dataset which contains models inside.

Week 11

This week, we figured out that we could use cvlib that contains an object detection function which also we could refer to our own python code which takes the function and inputs its own parameter so that it could work perfectly with the function. We also started to use darknet which is a framework to train our models. We had a lot of difficulties during training our models due to lack of sources such as requires NVIDIA CUDA that are pretty hard to configure and different operating systems which leads us to an option that is working on a single operating system.

Week 12

This week, we started to make our presentation and took screenshots of our codes and the model training process, hoping that we would be ready the next week

Week 13

This week, we presented our project including its demo to Mrs. Nunung

And also, we presented about our difficulties and future works to Mr. Andreas

Filed under:Final Project

Intelligent System Final Project


For our Intelligent System’s project, we worked on creating an object recognition intelligent system. Object recognition is a general term to describe a collection of related computer vision tasks that involve identifying objects in digital photographs.

The tools/library that we used

  • Cvlib  – Object source/scanning
  • Numpy
  • OpenCV
  • Yolov3 – Object Classifying 
  • Yolo Annotation Tool – Object labelling
  • Darknet – Model training

Individual Contribution

For my contribution, I worked on the Labeling using the Yolo Annotation Tool.


Configuration Output




This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is 22hiyJo2sEN4bG9Il32GGv9JHqdXtysaIvGaPKvxGAVnmFmUbX8Y-ewL2bMNdojQl7-bWPwiIsvREtrubhIvCvTnACCbnFLwYpDwx2WRsiRGrc2UPTM3A6xqpLOvksF_IsiOo71JJR0


classes= <number> #the amount of model we’re going to train

train  = obj.txt #path of the pictures file (train)

valid  = obj.txt #path of the pictures file (test)

names = obj.names 

backup = backup/




Filed under:Final Project